[GEO]DASHBOARD - Introduction

Piergiorgio (PJ) Roveda

[GEO]DASHBOARD is a web application that enables the creation of visualizations for maps, tables, graphsand generic web pages using a Postgres database with a geographical extension PostGIS and Geoserver to generate map tiles. It can solve several problems related to data management and visualization, such as:

  1. Data exploration: The web application can help users explore geospatial data in a visual and interactive way, allowing them to identify patterns, trends, and relationships that might not be evident from a simple table or chart.
  2. Data integration: The application can help users integrate different sources of geospatial data into a single platform, allowing them to perform complex queries and analyses across multiple datasets.
  3. Data sharing: The application can facilitate the sharing of geospatial data and visualizations with other users, both within and outside an organization, enabling collaborative work and decision-making.
  4. Geospatial analysis: The application can enable users to perform sophisticated geospatial analyses, such as spatial clustering, interpolation, and routing, that can provide valuable insights for a wide range of applications, from urban planning to environmental monitoring.
  5. Data visualization: The application can provide a variety of visualization options, such as heat maps, choropleth maps, scatter plots, and line charts, that can help users communicate insights from geospatial data effectively to a broad range of stakeholders.
GEO Dashboard

[GEO]:DASHBOARD is a powerful and flexible web-based platform to visualize and analyze your spatial data. This platform offers a wide range of capabilities, including spatial analysis, data visualization, and geocoding, all accessible through an intuitive and user-friendly interface.