Integrating Gmail API for Automated Notifications

In the latest phase of our development, we implemented a feature that automatically sends email notifications to users at key milestones in their workflow. Leveraging the Gmail API, we ensured that these notifications are sent reliably and securely.

Why Gmail API?

We chose the Gmail API because of its robust features, security, and ease of integration with our existing system. By using OAuth2 for authentication, we can securely manage access to the user's email account, ensuring that notifications are sent without exposing sensitive information.

How It Works:

  • Trigger Points: The system is designed to trigger an email notification when a specific step in the job process is completed. For instance, once the AI completes 90% of the data processing, an email is automatically generated and sent to the user, informing them of the progress.
  • Customization: Each email is tailored to the specific job, including details like the job name, current status, and any next steps that the user might need to take.
  • Future Expansion: We're also exploring ways to integrate this feature with other communication platforms like Telegram and WhatsApp, ensuring that users can receive notifications through their preferred channels.